Primary Schoolbooks Scheme for Primary and Special Schools

All enquiries regarding the Schoolbooks Scheme should be emailed to
Helpline phone number: 01 889 2089
(available 9:30-16:00 Monday-Friday)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (last updated on 22/05/2024)


The Primary Schoolbooks Scheme was introduced in 2023, to remove the cost from families of funding schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks for all pupils in recognised primary and special schools. A full description of what is to be provided by schools to pupils is provided here.

A specific guide was designed to assist primary and special school leaders with the process of procuring School Books:

A procurement checklist was also developed to guide schools through their procurement processes:

Procurement Checklist

To determine the total estimate of your School Books (excluding classroom resources), you can use the “School Book List” tab contained within the Primary School Quotation Template:

To procure a supplier for the provision of School Books, the steps below must be followed:

  1. When the contract value is below €50,000, the school can obtain three quotations using the Primary School Quotation Template:
    1. Primary School Quotation Template (last updated on 20/06/2024), to use when seeking a minimum of three quotations from suppliers to fulfil your school’s requirements.
    2. Under €50K Award Letter Template to Preferred Supplier
    3. Under €50K Award Letter Template to Unsuccessful Supplier
  2. When the contract value is above €50,000, a tender process is required. To publish a tender, the school will need to:
    1. Have an eTenders account:
      • If you have previously used eTenders’ old platform, but not the new one, please check the first-time login guide to the new platform here.
      • If you are unsure your school has an eTenders account, you can email with your school’s details and they will assist you in retrieving your login credentials or setting up a new school’s account.
    2. Amend the templates below according to the school’s needs:
    3. Publish a Call For Tender (CFT) on eTenders. Guidance is available below:
    4. Evaluate tenders received by recording your findings in the spreadsheet below:
    5. Produce award letters for preferred and unsuccessful suppliers using the templates below:


Information on the OGP’s Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Stationery and Office Supplies can be found in the following user guide:

All enquiries regarding the Schoolbooks Scheme should be emailed to
Helpline phone number: 01 889 2089
(available 9:30-16:00 Monday-Friday)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (last updated on 22/05/2024)